How To Create Excel Report.
Setp1- Open Pentaho Report Designer .
Step2- Create a new report .
Step3- Click right click on the data select tables .
Step4- Click + button to select the excel sheet .
Step6- Drag and drop the fileds you want to create the report .
Step7- Drag and drop chart icon then right click .
Setp8- Select the fileld you want to create the chart . click ok
Step9- Preview the report . It show the report.
Step 10- Go to file menu . Select Publish .
Step11- Then select the server where you want publish the report give user name , password.
Step12 - Give Name and select forlder you want to publish the report.
How To Create Excel Report.
Reviewed by Mukesh Jha
1:12 AM
It is very helpful for the beginners